ETS SSML in HTML Markup Tester v2.7 (10/23/2018)

Enter text and then manually markup using the SSML data attribute format (described at:, by selecting the sample button below, or entering text, then highlighting text, and selecting one of the SSML toolbar actions to be applied to the text. The appropriate SSML JSON attribute will be added. Once your text is ready, click the speak button.

Your platform must have an speech synthesizer that supports SSML if you using Windows or other platforms with native SSML supporting synthesizers. If using MacOS, the JSON-ized SSML will be mapped to the Apple Speech markup.

Options for SSML markup

Some synthesizers may require wrapping the string with the <speak> element, and some may require the <? xml ?> prefix.



Authoring content with JSON input atributes

Speech Controls


Visual Scratch Pad for processed text
Generated String to be synthesized (specific to platform: MacSpeech markup or SSML:
JSON-ized SSML the above was generate from:

User Agent: Chrome 69 on MacIntel